It's official, Batman v Superman has wrapped in Taos, New Mexico!
Image courtesy of Batman v Superman producer, Wesley Coller (Click53)
Whatever just happens to come across my OCD-addled brain anytime that it strikes me.
& In honor of Claire's birthday today, I thought I would put together a little collage of her in Stardust, a major fave movie of mine, that I've watched at least 25 times over the years. This is the movie where I discovered the talented Charlie Cox & beautiful Ben Barnes. I've always been a big fan of Neil Gaiman's books & I thought they did a great adaptation of this one. I remember when I saw it at the theater opening weekend, I loved every second of it. 😍 Although Henry had to play a creepy douche with a bad blonde wig in it, he still did a great job. 👍😊 If any of you guys still haven't seen Stardust, check it out, it's fun, funny, exciting, crazy & Michelle Pfeiffer does a fantastic job as an evil witch. & the extra special plus was the brilliant Robert De Niro, OMG, he was crazy good playing a character that will amaze & delight you! Guaranteed. 👍👍👍 & the end credit song is one of my faves, "Rule the World" by Take That 🎵❤️ #Stardust #Yvaine #CharlieCox #TristanThorn #BenBarnes #DunstanThorn #HenryCavill #Humphrey #PeterOToole #MarkStrong #RupertEverett #MichellePfeiffer #RobertDeNiro #RickyGervais #SiennaMiller #NathanielParker #KateMagowan #TakeThat #RuleTheWorld ❤️❤️❤️